Tire Sigga 15,808 Comments

raw meat

Some Ethiopian expatriates are under the impression that eating raw meat is unhealthy. The act like eating raw meat is an uncivilized Ethiopian fad that should be stopped where it started, in Ethiopia.

Well dears, eating raw meat neither started in Ethiopia nor is it only practiced in Ethiopia. Not only is it perfectly health but it is also good for you.

A lot of people are a little bit intimidated about eating raw meat and fish, which is a great shame because I think they are really missing out," he said. "It is a very healthy and natural way of doing things." 1

A lot of Ethiopians suffer from Acid Reflux disease (more commonly known as ‘Cheguarayen Amemegne’) due to I don’t know what. I too suffered in the past. One of the things I did was eat raw meat to reduce the levels of acid in my stomach. Yap one of those traditional known medicines.

So expats, no need to look down upon Ethiopians who choose to eat it raw. No need to worry about Kosso. 

All you need is three ingredients:

  • Berbere, which is what, is needed to make a good Awaze for Tire Sigga. I like my Awaze simple and somewhat thin, especially if it’s for Tire Sigga. My recipe for awaze, equal amounts of Berebere and Tej or any available Liquor; two table spoons of each is enough for single serving.  Depending on the flavor of the Berbere I might put some black pepper for extra kick.
  • Injera, this is not a requirement but a preference.
  • Fresh Meat, the fresher the better.

Now that my mouth is watery, I am going to the closest Ethiopian super store. In honor of our Megebwochachine, podcasted is Mohamud Ahmad's 60’s hit Atkilt FiraFire; which by the way is on my list of top Mohamud Songs. Eje YasQoretimal!

15808 Responses to “Tire Sigga”

  1. 1 celebratelife

    Ok now I’m really hungry. I love kurte siga. I must say for those of you who live in the DC area you have it made with the selection of fresh siga. Whenever I’m DC my brothers take me to a location in Virginia and they say the fresh siga is delivered on Wednesdays or is it Thursdays and I just love it.

    Ok now a couple of weeks ago I had an argument with a guy on whether awaze is made with berbere or mitmita. He swore by it that it was mitmita so I made it with both and I kinda liked the mitmita because it gave it a kick. I usually make awaze with berber, merlot or scotch, crushed garlic, lemon juice, and mustard all this to give it a kick. Have you tried it with mitmita?

    But I must say I have never tasted kurte siga like that I had in Addis. I loved it so much I was eating it at least once a week. As far as the Kosso the trick is to take the med as soon as you arrive back home.

    Ok now is the time I’m mad I don’t live in the DC area. Btw the musak is dead nothing plays when opened.

  2. 2 Mamit

    I have been reading Bernos for quite some time, but this is my first time to contribute.

    Love Tere Sega and I love the song. Thank you Nolawi for posting it.
    On that note, do you hear Telahune’as voice in the song, as I do? I know Telahune and Mohamud have collaborated on several songs…please listen to the third, second to the last verse and they finish up together.

  3. 3 Nolawi

    Mamit you are right, tilhoun comes in around 3.45 minute and does a verse and then they finish up together. I have realized that most of these famous singers collaborated in many of the singles…

    I have heard mohamoud on bizunesh’s tracks…also..

  4. 4 Debritu

    Born and raised in Addis, never tried “raw meat” nor Kitfo until I came to the states in my teens. My parents never allowed it in our house. I have tried it a couple of times, but now I don’t even like kitfo lebe lebe let alone tire siga. Also not all Ethiopians eat “tire siga” if I am not mistaken, it is mostly common among the Amhara’s and Gurage’s, yet it is frowned upon (I am talking culturally) to eat Tire siga in most other ethinic groups in Ethiopia, especially Northern Ethio. I don’t think it is healthy at all.

  5. 5 lulu

    I was never into eating tire sega but I did enjoy eating yebesele meat. About 5 years ago, I developed acid reflux disease and because of it I stopped eating meat all together and became a vegetarian. I haven’t had acid reflux problem ever since.

  6. 6 Doro Mata

    all those who don’t eat qurT and real kitfo… I just gotta say


  7. 7 Dinich

    I have a friend who eats tire siga for breakfast. Can you believe that? I like eating Tire siga with him. He just makes it way more interesting: the way he cuts it, the way he holds the meat, thew knife, the way he admires it…etc it is just so much fun.

    Nol, if you are making your awazie with just berbere and liquor, you are missing a lot. Celebs recipe sounds more interesting but I have to try it. Get a traditional abesha mother to do it for you. There are a lot things they add and it tastes so different. My quick awaze is berbere with Italian dressing.

  8. 8 nyalasmoke

    The common occurence of what u refered to acid reflux or cheqware hemem, most likely comes from the prevalance of the H-pylori(Helicobacter pylori) bacteria. It is easily cured by antibiotics.

  9. 9 Mengedegna

    That’s true Debritu. Not all Ethiopians eat raw meat. However, I’m not quite sure with the fact tha it’s culturally frowned upon in most ethnic groups. My understandin was due to health related issues. I personally did eat Tirey sgga before until i was confronted with some uninvited guests in my system. ;=)

  10. 10 Dinich


    What do you mean uninvited? You invited them.

  11. 11 Mengedegna

    lol Dinich. They were more like intruders/parasites tha came along with Trey sga. :)

  12. 12 Ethio Jazz

    Love Tire Sigga and kitfo…abet abet the sigga I saw in Addis was amazing but I didn’t dare try it. To much of a wimp.

    Nolawi–that was an amazing song–thanks! never heard it before.

  13. 13 soj

    ….ye dukem tire siga and tibs with tej….man..can’t wait…

  14. 14 Dinich


    Please don’t talk about that. Birer birer yasegnal (not the tej) but the siga.

  15. 15 soj

    …lol Dinich, tej eko mawerarejaw new…u should try it sometime…

  16. 16 dinich


    I don’t mind trying it but i don’t crave it. But I crave the qurt

  17. 17 Nolawi

    [quote comment="22323"]Love Tire Sigga and kitfo…abet abet the sigga I saw in Addis was amazing but I didn’t dare try it. To much of a wimp.

    Nolawi–that was an amazing song–thanks! never heard it before.[/quote]
    now that is interesting… finding a song even you haven’t heard before….

  18. 18 dinich

    Ya, I am surprised that EJ never heard that song.

  19. 19 Bed_ford

    I am not that crazy about eating Tire Sigga; the first time I tested as a young boy and did not like it. I still do not care for it; I take a bite or two when I was with friends during gathering;

    I like the song; and I am surprised as well EJ did not know about the song;

  20. 20 Ethio Jazz

    Nolawi, dinich and bed_ford–lol–just for the record, there are a lot of songs from the past that I haven’t heard.

  21. 21 MindWithOutConscious

    Nolawai: I would be lying if i didnt curse you for stirring up a sleepy memory ..deep in the the forestry of my Archived memory. darn :-) . my eyes got misty! it reminds me Addis Ababa Stadium.

    The song really touches most ethnics’ food, when the old-good days when all lived in Harmony w/o being conscious about what ethnicity our parents come from. all we knew was that we were all from addis and enjoy the friendship. you know what i mean if you grew up in the 70′s & 80′s in Addis.

    Thanks for the great song!

  22. 22 celebratelife

    [quote comment="22313"]lol Dinich. They were more like intruders/parasites tha came along with Trey sga. :) [/quote]

    Mengedegna, honestly speaking I’ve been eating kurte and kitfo for so many years and I’ve never had kosso. I was told to eat peanuts the day after which I’ve done and I also take the med a week or two after. If you tried the meat in Addis you would be hooked.

  23. 23 adey

    The french,swiss & others eat tartar meat, the Japanese eat raw all kinds of small&big
    my motto is if you like it chow it

  24. 24 Mengedegna

    celeb lucky u….but u know the meat i had was actually at a restaurant in Addis. I didn’t eat peanuts right after either as i didnt know bout its benefits. Besides, the kosso incident was kinda a good “excuse” for me to stop eatin it lol coz really i don’t enjoy it tha much, well maybe the spicy dip (awaze) but not the tre sga. ;=)

  25. 25 Maven

    I wonder where you came up with Tire sega cures acid reflux. Yes, we should take a great caution when we eat tire sega because ucooked meat can increase the risk of infection with E-coli bacteria. Although, i grew up eating raw meat, i havent eaten one day since i moved to the state. There are several factors why abesha people have acid reflux. It could be stress, our way of eating( a lot of berbrie), coffee, bacteria and genetic. The best way to prevent acid refulx is eat less spicy food, avoid eating late at night and avoid alcohol. Of course, if it is bacteria, the doc will prescribe you either nexium or other generic medication.

  26. 26 Mitmita

    My grandma use to make a special mix of berbere with special ingredients used only for awaze. Even the color was so red and bright. It was so good, you could eat it alone.

    Lela…I have had raw meet as an appetizer at Ruth’s Chris Steak House

  27. 27 Shaleqa

    I like your recipe on how to make Awazze.

    Nolawi – Can you back your argument that Tire Siga heals Acid reflux disease with any scientific evidence? Or is it just from your experience? You know, that was quite a statement.


  28. 28 Nolawi

    shaleqa, it does, from experience.

    but from a scientific point of view, it takes a whole lot of acid to disintegrate uncooked meat. thus it doesn’t heal acid reflux but decrease the amount of acid in your stomach till it builds up again.

    plus it proven that people could somewhat heal acid reflux through diet.

    secondly, raw meat dishes includes beef carpaccio, steak tartar,Carne Crude… just to name a few international delicatacies!

  29. 29 hewe

    Nolawi, do you have to post this during Tsom??? uffaaa….

  30. 30 Nolawi

    speaking of this video comedy about Kurt, notice the new awaze, they mix it with sena Fitch

  31. 31 Konjit

    WOW! Where did you find that song Nolawi? I haven’t heard that song for such a long time. It is a cool song. I am not a big fan of kurt sega, but i love tire kitfo.
    Like hewe, said why are you talking about kitefo on the Tsom lol? Any how i enjoy your post.

  32. 32 Konjit

    [quote comment="22289"]I have a friend who eats tire siga for breakfast. Can you believe that? I like eating Tire siga with him. He just makes it way more interesting: the way he cuts it, the way he holds the meat, thew knife, the way he admires it…etc it is just so much fun.

    Nol, if you are making your awazie with just berbere and liquor, you are missing a lot. Celebs recipe sounds more interesting but I have to try it. Get a traditional abesha mother to do it for you. There are a lot things they add and it tastes so different. My quick awaze is berbere with Italian dressing.[/quote]

    Tire Siga for breakfast? Humm…I don’t think i can do it even if i try.

  33. 33 Nolawi

    thanks Konjit… we have many songs….. down yonder..

    anyways its one of my favorites songs..  funny thing somone sent an email saying that the song is not PC… dude my god relax…

  34. 34 Acida Dove

    Is there any proof that eating raw meat can reduce acid reflux? My understanding is meat itself is acidic, whether it’s raw or cooked. Only vege and fruits are alkalic in nature.

  35. 35 Nolawi

    Actually there is proof… there has been study on carnivore animals stomach acid content… and the likes of wolves hyenas lions and tigers have a larger level of acid in their stomach compared to animals that eat vegs and fruits… the reason it requires a larger quantity of acid to digest raw meat…

    at the same time these animals also have a short digestive tract… which means that raw meat diet should not sit in the stomach that long because if its sit in the stomach to long.. it might have tendencies to develop bacteria….

    a doctor told me these… I wish I could find the study..

  36. 36 Acid Reflux?

    I read a book that talked about a very similar idea. Acid reflux is a problem more than just acidic or alkalic food. It is the bacteria and yeast in your lining that cause the problem. I think what Nolawi said is correct. Raw meat diet won’t stay that long in your stomach and as a result it reduces the number of bacteria in your stomach.

  37. 37 Lillian Hall


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    I often cut back on foods that are high in fat.

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  40. 40 brook

    yeb, that is correct! i just learned it from school today “Bio 28″
    it perfectly healthy make sure you eat it with awaza or senafich

  41. 41 Eugene Fregeau

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  43. 43 Saybela Ayseq

    Tire sigga has not lost its appeal among most Ethiopians. You may want to know that nearly all of Ethiopian livestock grows under natural conditions. they eat whatever nature provides in the closest pastures.

    Beef from the southeastern lowlands is preferred for tire sigga. The long term fattening of cattle fed with grass and sweet sorghum residues marbles the meat with high quality fat (very low saturation). That’s what makes it very healthy and adds all the nice flavours raw or cooked. you may know how this particular phenomenon is so well marketed as Kobe beef in Japan although I am not sure if the fat quality is as good.

    As for Awaze, most of us mistakenly call dried chili based pastes that way but the truth is; awaze is a special preparation of berbere like powder which contains less spices and is not grilled like berbere. this preparation is best mixed with tej and a little bit of oil to make delicious dilih to accompany nice cuts of dabit, shagna, zerf, saligegn, etc.

    Bon appetit!

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