Archive for 2010

unfathomable 5,873 Comments

Location: In front of 4 kilo AAU, café X, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Time: 9:30 PM It was a random Thursday night. Gorgeous Addis Ababa evening weather. I can still feel the fresh breath of air on my face, my arms. I was a freshman at the University and I could not get enough of the [...]

Metaged vs. Metadeg 270 Comments

Browsing through Ethiopian pictures on Flickr, I came across the one above. I glanced at the comments section and there was a guy complaining that the ad was senseless, among other things. So I took a second look  and it really was terrible, terrible sentence. For starters, why is the word tigist in quotes? Do they mean [...]

mobile we come 34 Comments

Report shows that Africa has 12% of the new cell phone subscribers in the world, tallying 20 million more cell phone users in first Quarter of 2010. What’s actually more fascinating to me is that they’re saying that the continent now has close to 50% penetration; meaning that there’s a lot of growth left to [...]

Similarities? 85 Comments

This guys if weird, I mean really weird and whenI saw this video I couldn’t stop laughing. I could see how this could happen. Regardless though, I was surprised this morning when I got an email this morning claiming that “… this sums of most of your articles on Bernos.”

Wrong Price 37 Comments

I recently went into Sachs Fifth Avenue after work because I needed these very specific shoes, and lo and behold, I found a pair  that was reasonably priced. In Sachs Fifth Ave, I generally expect everything to be $500+, and my pair was, after a ‘sale’, around $100. So I bought it. Keza, tedesasetkuna … I went purse shopping. [...]