Archive for 2010

Trademark You 30 Comments

I just recently twitted about Zewdy who has thousands of followers on twitter & friends Facebook; just an example of a success based upon networking via web platforms. Although most of the people that do this kind of branding are artists, like our own rawbubble, doing his writing, videos and other forms of art; there [...]

Cross Section of Addis & Georgia 59 Comments

photo source The smell of yerga chaffe fills my nose and I am taken by the rich seductiveness of its scent. It takes me to Lake Tana, to the buna farmers, and back again to where I am now. Where am I? I am sitting in my boyfriend’s family’s house after dinner and witnessing the [...]

tempations… 26 Comments

I have a lot of temptations. Everyday, I am tempted not to get out of my bed; I want to sleep in. Maybe take a pill that will just knock me out and sleep all day, possibly another day. There was a time in 2008 where I was so busy that I opted to schedule [...]