Archive for 2010

West African Models 65 Comments

Oluchi Onweagba, that is her name — she is no Alek Wek, I have always love Alek because of her skin color, but there is a whole girlish look to her. I know most of you guys will disagree, but we all can agree that she changed the way being black is looked at, at [...]

Ripe — females 76 Comments

Something that is fully developed; at least that is the definition according to Merriam & Webster. When I pick fruits at the neighborhood grocery, I look for the once that are not fully developed but close to it because I want to take a bite when it’s ripe. The danger is that it could get [...]

State of Hip-Hop 33 Comments

Political hopefuls who once courted rappers, before suddenly realizing that “filthy rap lyrics” are the leading cause of all problems in society, are now calling for hip-hop’s head on a platter. Ignoring the larger issue at hand, the role played by corporate sponsors who make huge dividends from derogatory rap songs and the socio-economic climate [...]

Word of the Month 36 Comments

Just yesterday I was having a conversation about how words matter.  Essentially the females in via my social networks said that: actions speak louder than words” I have written a little bit about using words to expressing ourselves about this time last year. And essentially most people disagreed with me. One of you even quoted [...]

my sweetie 26 Comments

Wale – My Sweetie (directed by tabi Bonney) from tabi Bonney on Vimeo. 2009 was a great year for us; we experienced a lot unexpected positive outcomes, and a lot of our hard work came to fruition.  As soon as we were ready to call it a year and start working on 2010, Dawit gets [...]