Gullit Mentality 2,666 Comments

Ethiopian market place

First off I would like to apologize in advance for those who are apt to be sensitive. I was once asked a question;

Why should they support you?

I believe it was Chelema that eloquently put it on a reply to a comment I made. He was referring to the level of support Ethiopians provide for art and artists. It made me think, and he is right no Ethiopian is required to pay for music just because it’s Ethiopian music; same applies to any form of art.

This brings up a point, “responsibility of consumer.” We are in a state of global capitalism, i.e. known as globalization for most. The term is misleading, it’s actually consumerism and yet that term is also misleading, but what I really wanted to say was, what is produced is decided by the market.

America has the most bargaining power, influence over the phenomenon they defined as globalization not because they have the most money, but because they spend the most money.

Americans constitute less than 5% of the world’s population, consume 25% of world’s resources, including 26% of the world’s energy, although having only 3% of the world’s known oil reserves, American’s impact on the environment is at least 250 times greater than a Sub-Saharan African.

Now critiques would disagree, that having the most money automatically reinforces the level of consumption. If so, my argument is why does the rest of the world including that of sub-Saharan Africa buy everything American? You might have a small drink named Coca-Cola, or a small hill in Los Angeles that they have tagged Hollywood, the US film industry.

Just a few examples but the tip of the iceberg; the rest of the world buys products made for Americans, and sometimes by Americans; and the reason… because they are the supreme consumer.

What we like doesn’t matter?

What matters is what we buy, how we buy & why we buy? We can’t complain that Ethiopian music is horrible and claim it’s the artists fault for making it that way. The way a consumer makes a difference is by supporting something that is different then what we like. Thus the direction of the art diverts to that of the consumer.

So ‘why should they support you?

They shouldn’t, but the consumer is responsible for most products made. By and large not a great quality of capitalism in my humble opinion, but if we were to look at pop culture, it’s not the best stuff; it’s just the most popular stuff. But there is enough consumption to support the great products like the jazz bar in downtown. There are many other vairiables like governtment endowment of the arts and private finance and scholarships.


Our experience here on bernos has been mostly positive other than the occasional hoopla that has been brought to our attention. We love our people, abeshoch and we want to keep our products targeted to our people just because we are abeshoch.

We have a great customer base that keep coming back when we get new products and we are very happy to say that we sell out of all the bernos products. Be it large or small, the demand keeps us motivated to keep producing and promoting

We have a sincere belief in what we do, from the design to presentation; everything else is an extracurricular activity made to support the original aim.

Ethio merkato

1) Once a bernos blog reader commented that we have a great blog but lately we have been writing too much about our products and he is tired off our shameless plugging. Oh please, we are not here to entertain you; we are here to do some business in order to sustain our art.

What made it even worst was the fact that he mentioned that he has been reading bernos blog for a year and this was his first comment, a negative one. He hadn’t said a single word to even encourage the many authors let alone support the art that is supporting his entertainment needs.

2) We get tons of emails from many people including organizations large or small asking for a collaboration of sorts in which they have an event planned and they would like us to provide products for sale at their scheduled events and we pay them a commission of sorts. They never fail to mention bernos has great products and they would like to support it. Oh please, sharrup what support? Have you spent 20$ to get this product yet? Better yet how can you disrespect our supposedly great products when you want us to sell our products from the floor at your corner bakery or behind the speakers at your concert? Do you think we are selling dinich at the sefer gullit?

3) Publishers in web or print sometimes contact us soliciting that we advertise with them, we generally decline because in most cases especially web we have a larger circulation than the publisher, secondly because they charge ridiculous amount that doesn’t make business sense.

We do believe in supporting publications or any other small Ethiopian businesses by using them as our source of advertising in comparison to lets say Google Adwords; even if it make less ROI, but a business relationship is based on mutual support not just what you can do for me! We never beg anyone or ask a business to support us for no reason, but we have however offered assistance and or proposed a collaboration, a quid pro co. But it has been mostly quid for nothing.

4) We are more frustrated with charity organizations that keep taking our money and especially service and neither show gratitude nor shed light of on the support of our organization . Atleast the lemagn at 7′eleven shows his appreciation every time I drop my loose change.

selling abesh5) Last but not least, the worst of the Gullit mentality ladies & gents, these include our friends and family members, our ex’s, our acquaintances, and abeshoch we meet everywhere and anywhere.

a) There is the family member who would call , and say ‘ hey I want to support,’ oh please don’t support, if you want the product buy it, it’s not support when you pay for a product you want. Secondly they would want me to personally grab a bernos tee for them and drive 20 miles to their apartment and give it to them. Are you serious? Do you think I am a concierge at Holiday Inn? Keep your godamn money! I don’t care if you are my uncle or my best friend. If you want one buy it online just like everyone else.

b) Then there is the stranger abesha, who we would meet in the club, ‘ hey I like Bernos and Bernos tees and I would like to buy one, let me give you some money and my phone number.’ You gotta be kidding? It’s one pm on a Saturday night and you want me to submit to you just because we are in a business that markets towards you. Esti, if you really like Bernos have some respect for it. Better yet do not treat me like the neighborhood crack dealer.

c) A few people have suggested two things, why don’t we make our products in Ethiopia, thus we support business in Ethiopia. Second, they claim that our tees are expensive. Funny how it is our responsibility to support Ethiopia while it’s not your responsibility to support Abesha owned businesses. Hypocrisy in the lowest form! First Tees in Ethiopia are made in china not in Ethiopia. And then you want us to ship in bulk from the Ethiopia and you are the same person that claimed our tees are expensive. Esti think before your speak! You want us to decrease our quality and increase our cost and sell it at a cheaper rate. Thank you genius, we want to bring you in as a business consultant.

d) Ultimately, there are the non-customers who expect bernos to have the products available at the neighborhood abesha super store; get with the program homeboy, we have told you we sell our products online, if you want it buy it where it’s sold. Please do not suggest that we need to improve our market visibility by hanging our products next to the berbere and injera. We are not making Nit’r Qibe, we are making art!

We do believe in great customer service and our customers can attest to that affect. Hear that, ‘customer’ is the ideal word. There is almost nothing we won’t do to accommodate our customers. You don’t have a credit card, no problem send us a check! You want to exchange your tees and you live in DC and would like to have them today because you are going to an abesha gathering. Sure we are located here come by and we will exchange it. Thank you, and let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

In conclusion, we love our people and we love working for & with our people, but we will not sell our soul or our integrity in the name of business. We make products we like; therefore we hope when you buy bernos we assume you want bernos.

If you are not a customer that claims to like our products and support bernos; you are just another person with a Gullit mentality!

2666 Responses to “Gullit Mentality”

  1. 1 lilye

    Very well said Nolawi !

  2. 2 just me

    Do you think we are selling dinich at the sefer gullit?

    LOL! very classic

  3. 3 wudnesh

    errrr…I wonder what purpose this article served other than showing your attitude of “kegezachihu gizzu, kAlgezachihu gedel gibbu”…………ayyyiiiiiii

  4. 4 cece


  5. 5 kiki

    I see your point Noli, but you could have been more diplomatic about it. Coca Cola didn’t become what it is by saying if you don’t like us buy Pepsi. They try their best to make sure everybody buys their product. I just feel like you didn’t make any new customers with this post. I thought the idea was to gain customers and make money , not alienate them. Just my two cents….

  6. 6 lilye

    [quote comment="67012"]errrr…I wonder what purpose this article served other than showing your attitude of “kegezachihu gizzu, kAlgezachihu gedel gibbu”…………ayyyiiiiiii[/quote]

    Well they are in a business of providing a good product! Should you like it & the creative idea, the Abesha content foremost you will bu it. Otherwise yemileminubet wey yemimaldubet ( don’t know if it’s correct amarigna) mekniyat BEFITSUM yelebatchewum ! You go in a store & you buy what you like or not. There is no one there to hold your hands & melemameT you to buy ( there are reps to help you BEQA). This on top of being an online store we are so fortunate to know & see who are the brilliant minds behind it & communicate with them. Endelelaw eqatcheun qutch adirgew mehed yitchilalu. Silezih, open silehonu they should not be forced to please, plead or ….(ahhh english aTeregn ezih lay, *literarly eterguamlhu*) or metaTef to everyones wish !! Aleziama egnam eko endezemedoch hone malet new!!

    The product sell, advertize, attract & impress themselves….. that’s what a GOOD thing is suppose to do.

    Endiyawum, yihé article makes me LIKE them more. Endih new confidence !

  7. 7 celebratelife

    My take is I loved the article. The main reason you have the product that speaks for itself so you don’t have to kiss ass for business. You work hard and you get your customer’s input on design and color selections so what more can you do as a business man. Too much accommodation to the customer can in turn be interpreted as….you don’t have confidence in what you sell and offer. The t-shirt’s, god knows, are good quality and one of a kind. I keep buying the t-shirts because I know I’m guaranteed excellent customer service and will also receive a product worth the amount I’m gonna pay. So there you have it. Like you said….

    it’s not support when you pay for a product you want.

    we will not sell our soul or our integrity in the name of business.

    This part was pure priceless humor and I just loved it.

    Do you think we are selling dinich at the sefer gullit?

    Better yet do not treat me like the neighborhood crack dealer.

    Thank you genius, we want to bring you in as a business consultant.

    We are not making Nit’r Qibe, we are making art!

  8. 8 billi

    Then there is the stranger abesha, who we would meet in the club, ‘ hey I like Bernos and Bernos tees and I would like to buy one, let me give you some money and my phone number.’

    nolawi, take the money man! buy yourself a drink. shoot, but the guy one too. how is this fool to learn from his mistakes if you don’t make him pay (literally)?

  9. 9 Nolawi

    [quote comment="67025"]

    Then there is the stranger abesha, who we would meet in the club, ‘ hey I like Bernos and Bernos tees and I would like to buy one, let me give you some money and my phone number.’

    nolawi, take the money man! buy yourself a drink. shoot, but the guy one too. how is this fool to learn from his mistakes if you don’t make him pay (literally)?[/quote]
    well i don’t want to take money in the name of bernos and not provide a full customer service….

    seriously this has happened to me atleast 3 times… meron and dawit as well… remember LA beshou, this guy wanted us to find him in the soccer field… i said forget it.. and months later he complained that we didn’t want his business because we didn’t call him with a loud speaker in the arena… puhlease

  10. 10 DawitK

    Kiki – the purpose of this article was like cece said it to share some of the stories that we experience on a day to day bases.

    Just a few days ago a friend of mine called and asked if I could come over his house after work with an XL Awaze t-shirt and he will give me the check when I get there. When I asked why he just don’t go online and buy it like everyone else…his answer was, “I don’t have a Paypal account and it’s its easier this way.”

    Easier this way for who is my question?

    So let’s pretend I did go and deliver an XL Awaze t-shirt:
    Driving to his house during rush hours from DC to Silver Spring: 45min to 1hr
    Driving back home to DC: 30 min
    Take time from work so I can go and deposit the check…timeless/priceless

    The sad part, he is one of many who have asked that same question.

  11. 11 kiki

    DK, I get what you are saying. I just don’t understand what complaining about your “customers” or potential customers is going to accomplish. For better or worse your products are geared towards the Habesha community. You have to be able to better reach them, so they will get off their asses and order these wonderful tees. I believe the idea is to sell the “art” and make money, and to me the post didn’t come off as a sales pitch.

  12. 12 tsedu


    Habesha customers can be unprofessional, as customers, and the way they act you’d end up like MC Hammer selling your tapes from the back of your ride on Crenshaw ave.

    I think your drawing the line on the aweqkush naqkush attitude of some of these people is necessary but not enough to attract more fans/customers to Bernos. If some people are not computer literate, they don’t have a paypal account or they feel that paying MULA on line is like catching zar – then it would be best for Bernos to come up with a strategy to get those Hot Hot T’s into their hands (which it seem’s like ya’ll are trying).

    Anyway, like KiKi said a little diplomacy would go a long way – but maybe it is b/c you are an artist and not prone to being like a tenkolenya business type.

    Hopefully people will get a core message of this article which for me is that money does not trumpet integrity.

    Long Live Bernos! Wey Mote!

  13. 13 wudnesh

    Kikisha, I agree with you…..well said too!

    Eventhough I understand where Nol is coming from, I haven’t come across any businesses which advertise their frustrations with potential customers.
    To the contrary, I’ve worked for an online business tracking down unsatisfied customers and potential customers who had negative outlook of our products, and convincing them to become/stay customers (and this is no exaggeration). And I know that’s one of the reasons the business was very successful.
    Having said that, I love Bernos people…and hope you can handle your frustrations/disappointments better.

  14. 14 masinkomelody

    Nol, I understand the point you are trying to make and agree with most of the stuff you said.You have a good product and you know it…you know exuding confidence in your product draws people towards it and it will sell itself. Nevertheless, like Kiki i don’t agree with the manner in which you go about addressing the terms of services that you offer. If like you stated your product is geared towards the abesha community then surely you have to be sensitive to the demands this community has and deal with it tactfully.

    First Tees in Ethiopia are made in china not in Ethiopia.

    And by the way, they do make tees in Ethiopia though may not be up to par in terms of quality.

  15. 15 Balbo

    This is a classic dilemma many business face, you guys are both the artist/brain child of your product as well as the marketer. ……..Perhaps u should use those opportunities u get (gullit gbya lay) and educate them on how they could get your products, or come up with an alternate way of getting your product in the hands of your consumer.

    My question to Dawit, is the solely online distribution to your segment a competitive / comparative advantage? (No clue of an actual store)……for me it looks like distribution issue.

    Tough I have much appreciation for your art work; I don’t see how u served the business part of Bernos by this blog………though confidence and cockiness is good for an artist, it could misfire for a marketer. (Unless you have gone Hollywood on us, any controversy/publicity is good …..)

    Keep up the great work,

  16. 16 curious

    [quote comment="67026"][quote comment="67025"]

    seriously this has happened to me atleast 3 times… meron and dawit as well… remember LA beshou, this guy wanted us to find him in the soccer field… i said forget it.. and months later he complained that we didn’t want his business because we didn’t call him with a loud speaker in the arena… puhlease[/quote]

    I don’t think it is unreasonable for someone to try to get t-shirts from you at the soccer tournament.. he probably looked for a Bernos stand expecting one to be there but could not find one. I doubt he asked you to find me in the midst of the crowd. He probably said, can we meet at this location. At that point, it was your responsibility to say No or Yes in a constructive way, THANK HIM for his support, and refer him to the online store as the only method of purchase. You make him sound like a loonie making unreasonable demands by wanting to spend his money on you.
    In my opinion, you should have accommodated customers at the soccer tournament especially if you had t-shirts with you..

  17. 17 celebratelife

    By the Bernos crew allowing us to hear and understand their stand on certain issues, we get to appreciate all the effort they put in making sure that we, the consumers, are receiving products of top quality. Yes both Dawit and Nolawi can run around and accommodate or decline any special requests and not say anything but then everyone will have their opinion and different versions of the story. This way we know what’s being said and done or not done. Everyone is on the same page. What’s wrong with that? They treat us like family and I really like that.

    It has been known Abesha customers are the hardest to please because everyone wants it their way.

    It’s about time someone has enough sense to run an Abesha business with a no nonsense attitude. Cheers to Bernos.

  18. 18 Mahlet

    Typical ye abesha customer service mentality! Nolawi, the purpose of the article again? You just want to remind us abesha ppl that we continue to buy from those who mistreat us?

  19. 19 Mena

    You are making a good point but I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish by writing it the way you did. You could have made your point without insulting your customers. There are so many artistic habasha’s who can design a T-shirt…your customers can go get quality T-shirts from somewhere else…. I bet you lost few customers and you will keep losing if you don’t change your attitude. How about BUSINESS 101 CUSTOMER COMES FIRST

  20. 20 Nolawi

    masinko, you are talking about tess screenprinted in ethiopia… but they do not produce tees in ethiopia… they do however make different types of clothing… i have made extensive research on the subject.. maybe i am wrong but not to my knowledge….

  21. 21 YekeyDama

    I wonder if Meron is in Cabbo on a vacation :)

    Nolawi, this from a man who said

    cultural difference is cultural difference …lets not over exaggerate issues

    Not digging the habesha “cultural” way of doing business ha? :) :P I respect your business principle that wants to further itself from the ‘habesha way’ and demand business interactions void of ‘yagere lej’ or ‘zemede’. Your frustration is understandable and you have valid points to be made…that said here are my two cents…
    You don’t need to sell your soul and integrity in the name of business but it is wise to adapt some of the business 101s (exclusive of ‘customer is God’ mantra) with out compromising the said… part of that is being willing to hear, accept (where you feel necessary) criticisms, inputs or suggestions from your consumers. People express their opinion and extend their suggestion based on what they know, may be those people who suggested an alternate means of distribution, i.e. Bernos sell its t-shirt in some of the local stores are ones who are comfortable in such trade centers as opposed to the e-trade. Some are not as computer savvy and as familiar or even as comfortable in e-trading (security, privacy and things of that matter is of concern for those who are not used to doing business on-line)… so some of these suggestions may be due to these reasons and more. Now it is not to suggest you take everything your customer base say and modify your business or get bent out of shape to accommodate them…but in the very least any business owner should be open to suggestion with out patronizing those who offer their suggestions. Customer service excellence is not limited to expediting shipment or having a sound return/refund policy; it is also respecting the customer by showing them his/her input is regarded valuable…whether you apply the input or not is solely up to the proprietor. Don’t you think?

    Better yet how can you disrespect our supposedly great products when you want us to sell our products from the floor at your corner bakery or behind the speakers at your concert? Do you think we are selling dinich at the sefer gullit?

    I don’t see how this suggestion is “disrespectful”… in real-estate term; location, location, location…a given business is also dependant on location/distribution etc whoever suggested this is of the mind that since many people go to abesha suke to buy many ‘abesha’ geared products, and by your own admission your target audiences are ‘abeshoche’, then he/she is making a reasonable suggestion thinking that you will reach additional customer base of those that are otherwise cyber challenged. It is neither disrespectful nor outlandish. Obtaining the tees via online trading is not what makes them what they are or lends to their quality, the product should shine and stand proud as superior as you feel it is regardless of where you guys sell it…as long us they are not pouring awaze on it :) the suke could potentially be a profitable marketing location. I can respect if that contradicts with Bernos’s way of doing business but I think it is rather a wild accusation to say such suggestion is disrespectful to either the quality or the integrity of Bernos.

    Endih new confidence !

    Liliye there is confidence and there is arrogance and the lines can get blurred a whole lot somewhere along the line. Confidence can be misinterpreted for offensive arrogance if you don’t present yourself/ideas in a manner that doesn’t assault or insult the intelligence of its recipient. I am not talking about sugar-coating or ‘melemameting’ or ‘memaleding’. But, as far as I am concerned, there are ways to conduct a successful business with out betraying honesty, integrity and self-assuredness and still command the respect of consumers across the board.
    Diplomacy is not synonymous with ‘ass kissing’.
    Courtesy of Merriam:
    Main Entry: di•plo•ma•cy
    Pronunciation: d&-’plO-m&-sE
    Function: noun
    1 : the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations
    2 : skill in handling affairs without arousing hostility

    The product sell, advertize, attract & impress themselves….. that’s what a GOOD thing is suppose to do.

    Yene konjo it is naïve to think a product alone can take you off the charts at all times… consumers boycott certain producers no matter how good their product is for x or y reason that has no correlation with the quality of the product so…
    Who loses you may ask? perhaps both but more so the one who want to get paid for what he/she invested in and put forth a given product for sale. Unless of course the person is not invested much in the profit but is doing what he/she is doing solely for the love of it, in which case it should not be called ‘business’ but a hobby with benefit :)
    My suggestion? Yeweledutin sismulet, Yedegesutin sebelulet yelale yagere sewe, so perhaps the talented artist should leave the marketing aspect to the gifted marketing group/person. I say this because the artist is sensitive to his/her child (art) and guards his piece superior to any by comparison therefore can complicate the profit aspect without meaning to.

  22. 22 Mena

    Yes they do make T-shirts in Ethiopia.
    Check out their website at

  23. 23 Nolawi

    Dear all,
    I ran this post by the bernos crew, we actually talked about it and had to address it. We stand by what we said.

    Second, our position always been share with customer and possible customer all aspect of our business. From design to presentation. Each of our customers know their experience with us, sure you can sit and judge from the outside but you have not made a purchase you really do not know how accommodating we are to our market.

    This post is not out of frustration, or out of anger, we actually felt the need to address some of the issues because it was getting out of hand the way some NON-CUSTOMERS act towards us.

    Yes, we are confident about our products, and our ability to market to one of the toughest niche out there, we have a great branding and marketing strategy and we have never stopped developing it. I don’t see how that is cockyness, its just persistence,confidence and being dynamic with he business model… you can’t sustain a business in a though market place with out it.

    we love our people and our culture so much, if you don’t know that and you read our blog you are surely not in touch with the truth.

    but that doesn’t change the fact, that Ethiopians say things like just because I am an Ethiopian seeking a dental crown from an Ethiopian doctor i should get a discount, i can mis my appointment a few times.

    I know a girl that insisted on a discount for a shuttle ride because the driver was abesha, etc etc i could give a million examples…

    What we wanted to say is that just because we are abesha we have been prone to mistreatment from abesha customers… they expected us to do things that they would never expect from a non-abesha run business. based in newyork would not accommodate any customer to the extent we accommodate our customers.

    Ena the point of this post is to say just because we want your business and want to sell you our products do not expect us to include our integrity and soul, if that is that is insulting, i can live with it.

    And part of a business branding guideline is all aspects of presentation. If we were to sell our products from a grocery store and or the trunk of our car, it affects the bernos brand. And we ask those that claim to support us to respect our brand!

  24. 24 Nolawi

    good point yekey on the diplomacy quote… the rest i think i have addressed them… especially the location…

    we don’t mind growing… but growing without underminding the brand and our integrity…

    that is news to me… mena.. thanks for the insight..

  25. 25 YekeyDama

    they expected us to do things that they would never expect from a non-abesha run business.

    I do feel you and understand you on that regard. In fact this was exactly what I said when my husband and I were discussing this very article…he too felt it was rather tactless (though he agreed with some of the points raised) the way the points were broached & addressed.
    I am glad you further elaborated with out betraying your initial assertion and that ought to malezeb if adn where there is yetekota (offended) sense. I do hope people get the overall or rather the main point with out being turned off or getting chocked by the kalcho and continue to enjoy and respect Bernos for what it is.
    Shall continue to give you some kalcho of our own serving with the intention of construction rather than demolition. All the best.

  26. 26 baheilu

    I think you are an artist not a business man.

  27. 27 Eyeru

    Come on now. It is just a lot of frustration on your part for failing in Business. Honestly it is kind of bizzare for you to think people will be impressed with t-shirts that have no origionality. Every t-shits has stolen trademarks of other companies. I am sure Coca cola, desta keremela, and offcourse Abebe bikila’s family will not be happy. If i was a family member of Abebe Bikila I would be so upset. Businesses succeed by bringing origionality not by stealing other companies logo. Just keeping it real. That’s how i see it. I’m sure you don’t see it that way. That’s what’s good about freedom. Nothing personal it’s just an opinion. BTW great business value feedback that’s how they grow. I hope you will. Peace.

  28. 28 celebratelife

    Hmmm I thought Millennium, Alien, Merkato, Africa, and Dream in Amarigna were original designs…Hmmmmmm

  29. 29 dawitk

    Dimitew – Because our customer are not only Ethiopian!

  30. 30 Nolawi

    dawit delete all the damtew comment … its gudu again on the fifth IP

    we just have to stay on top of this guy!

  31. 31 lilye

    [quote comment="67125"]Hmmm I thought Millennium, Alien, Merkato, Africa, and Dream in Amarigna were original designs…Hmmmmmm[/quote]

    I did too. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  32. 32 lilye

    I do hope people get the overall or rather the main point with out being turned off or getting chocked by the kalcho and continue to enjoy and respect Bernos for what it is.
    Shall continue to give you some kalcho of our own serving with the intention of construction rather than demolition. All the best.[/quote]

    That’s the exact spirit & the intention I believe. No matter what we have more than a simple buyer & customer relationship.

  33. 33 really


    Listen to yekeyedamawitu, she is full of wisdom. May be she could be an honorary board member or something. You are not responsible for what people think or say but you could change some minds by an insightful and yet respectful response. You HAVE to start respecting people and responding that way. If you mock one customer to another, what is the new customer supposed to think? You sell memories. That is what makes you unique. Other quality products are all around you. Nobody is irreplaceable. I am sure you have heard the Amharic phrase, “kefetfetu, fitu”. There is no going around to that. You might feel like a broken record if you keep repeating your business logic to people. You could laminate it and carry it in your pocket for that quick response when you feel like somebody is jerking you around.

    Quick example, I was doing this business by email to an Ethiopian based and Ethiopian owned company. I have never met them but they are awesome communicators. They always say, “…if there is any more things we could do for you, do not hesitate to ask.” So I asked and he responded, “…that was a valid request, I wish we could accommodate you but at this stage of our …”. We went on doing more things together.

    Like they say, “if you don’t like it, learn to love it!”

  34. 34 Mamitu

    I wanted to say something but Yekey Dama said it all. What I would like to add though is an example of what an Artist and Salesmanship.

    I am sure almost every Abesha has heard about Afework Tekle, IMO and in many others who are interested in Art he is over rated but this happened because he was a shrewd buisnessman who pushed his paintings like crazy and who was a good diplomat.

    On the other side there are painters Worku Mamo and Worku Goshu who are extremely good artists whom no one has heard of because they thought that having great artistic talent sales by itself and were arrogant about not advertising and making their work available enough.
    You can now find Afework Tekle Calendars, Scarfs, Posters,…. every where but if you want to buy any work of the two other Artists you have to buy the originals when they put them out on exhibitions or you have to personaly contact them to ask for their Catalogue and buy it from them. And this all comes down to branding, salesmanship, and making your products available.

  35. 35 Nolawi

    [quote comment="67192"]Nolawi,

    You are paranoid. The fact that Bernos has non-Ethiopian Abeshas explains the Anti-Ethiopia diatribe I read in this blog every now and then.

    By the way, Nolawi, are you one of those non-Ethiopian abeshas? I ask because you are so determined to ban Ethiopians who raise critical questions.[/quote]

    Hey man i know who you are, we can see all the different IP Addresses you are using and if you are incessant about playing games with us we will contact our web provider and mention abuse.

    I didn’t think it was necessary to get into that but we will do what we have to do!

  36. 36 DawitK

    Balbo – I think we have a good/efficient distribution process in place. Beside, it’s one thing if you ask us to mail you the t-shirt and you sending us a check, since you don’t want to use your credit card online for a variety of reasons or you just don’t have one. My problem is when you assume I will waste 3hrs of my day driving like I don’t have anything better to do so you can give me $22.95…that to me is a sign of disrespect toward the business and what it stands for.

    The second think I want to point out is that this is not a Nolawi article but issues and concerns that we (bernos) have been discussing for a quite a long time and felt this is the time to address them without sugar-coating the issues.

    Mind you these are problems that many other businesses are facing and frustrated about and hopefully we can open a dialogue as to how we can change the way people view other abesha businesses and actually give them the respect they deserve.

    We are an online business and we prides ourselves in quality products and top notch customer service…we have a sincere belief in what we do and the development and perfection of our t-shirts from design, presentation, customer service, and the advancement of the bernos lifestyle are always at the core of things. But we are not willing to sell our souls just so we can make a quick buck as well as in the long run that will actually damage and devalue our brand.

  37. 37 dawitm

    that is a funny article :)

    i personally don’t care how they want to sell their product. i will get it somehow, if i wanted it. but “hanging bernos tees next to the berbere and injera”…. is a bad idea :)

  38. 38 Eyeru

    The only original design is I dream in Amharic.
    How is Merkato and Alian face original? I am sure the alien photo is done by ancient artists. It is taking somebody’s work of art and ripping them off. Where is the origionality in the Alien shirt? The art is stolen period. Celebrate I don’t think you know originality. How could you when most of Abesha’s like you rip of other people’s ideas. Peace.

  39. 39 YekeyDama

    Ayiii… pandora box… mts.
    Hey yo who here wants to have an ice cream? Cold stone baby! Ma treat…Celeb you stay off them sweetz… yefit tirseshe tenekankowal :)

  40. 40 bela'e injera

    I use to think Brusters ice cream of zee best. Never tried cold stone, but looks zz bestest.

  41. 41 meron

    Ok lets me just say I stand behind, in fact we all here stand behind everything onthis article. Nolawi has expressed the frustration that we all feel. As far as the method of expression…we also stand behind that.

    Most of you might think we are exaggerating and people although make requests thatinconvience us, they really don’t make outrageous demans. BUT THE DO!!! you have no idea how people really feel we should be at their every becking call thing is we are…on email and even sometimes by phone to resolve whatever issue you have with your purchase. But there has to be a limit to how far we can go. And the potential customer should realize that. We provide a high-end product at a reasonable price…so it too much to ask you buy what you want through out method of purchase??

    We firmly believe those we are going to choose NOT to be our customers based on this article are those looking for a reason not to be one. And that’s fine. This is not a matter of cockiness but rather knowing the costing of pleasing your ridiculous request is not in our best interest.

    Kiki- this article is not a sales pitch. Its letting people know where we stand in hopes that they will stop making these requests.

    Wudnesh- first the key word is “customers” Like nolawi said, if youre a bernos customer and you are unsatisfied for any reason we will go to every length to satisfy you. but in hopes of you maybe just buying one shirt, im not going to kill myself over it. furthermore im sure you and your company set a limit on how far youll got to keep that customer. Besides its is nearly impossible to compare the two instance since our maket is vastly different from that of your company. We acknowledge the mindsets of abeshoch and why they have these outrageous demands. Were just bringing it to the forefront and saying, “wake up…this is not the way we do business!”

    Curious- see even you cant fathom that he wanted to be found in the crowd…but HE DID!!! You have witnessed our customer service and hope you trust we are profession in declining to comply with these request and still thanking everyone for their intended support.

  42. 42 Ted

    Nolawi/DawitK – Well, I totally understand where you are coming from and I can imagine how frustrating it is to run a business. But this is how I see it; at the core of any successful business lies a great product and excellent customer service. No matter how great and unique your product is, if it is not matched with a great customer service, your business is doomed to fall. I know you guys go extra miles to please your customers and everything, but I also think that just because you have a unique product, you shouldn’t expect the product to sell on its own.

    But I think what’s more frustrating is doing business with the abesha community. Like you mentioned, I’m sure there are a lot of people out there who expect a different level of treatment when buying/receiving service from abesha owned businesses/establishments. I think that is just not right. At the same time, I also put the blame on the business owners, because I think we need to develop the habit of diplomatically saying NO in such circumstances.

    I’m assuming that most people who have had a chance to get to your site know that the T-shirts are available online, but not sure if Bernos has somehow communicated on its Mission Statement that ‘it operates online and its products are only available on’ (correct me if I’m wrong). But, even if you do, I wouldn’t be surprised if you run into people asking you to pay you in cash for different reasons. If bernos’s business model is, however, built around the concept of ‘a niche market mantra’, I think you should try to diplomatically advise those people that you just can’t break your business rule. It’s like saying; I want to buy a book from Amazon, but at the same time I want to go pick it up from their nearest store. Well, if I prefer the physical store experience, I can go buy my book from the nearest Barnes & Nobel store, period! But I should expect the same level of customer experience whether I go buy it from a physical store or online.

    The same analogy applies to Bernos, I’m sure there will be a lot of abeshas who would like to get the Bernos’ products, but don’t feel comfortable going through the online shopping experience for different reasons. To me that means those people are not bernos’s potential market segments, and you should not go door-to-door to drop them off your t-shirts :-) If your goal is to serve a niche market, say (abesha yehone/nech, who has access to the internet, have a credit/debit card, have purchased items online in the past), then by definition you are alienating those who doesn’t meet that criteria. However, if you want to reach to those segments, you need to come up with a different plan.

    At the end, I think we need to draw/learn to draw a line between family/friendship and business. As you are not willing to let your friendship transform into a platform to promote your products and make profits on others, you should also not be willing to accommodate those friends/loved ones who cross the business line!

    my 2 cents…

  43. 43 meron

    Mahlet–in what way are we mistreating you? please let us know…

    Mena—yes customer comes first…

    In addition id like to say to everyone…please refrain from making personal attacks. this is a place to exchange ideas and learn from one another…not to insult. lets be adults and make our points responsibly. If you actually have a valid point then there is no need for calling names and implying inferiority…thanks you.

  44. 44 wudnesh

    No doubt you have to deal with difficult Abesha customers like us (uhu uhu)….but I really think you need someone like Yekeydama for AmAkari. As your customers, we know how accommodating you are…and are happy with your customer services. But there are others who could do without articles like this to try your products for the first time. And if I may say so, there is no such thing as non-customers……though they haven’t bought a tee yet, they are potential customers. If that wasn’t the case, you didn’t need to advertise, coz those of us who have bought t-shirts from you love the quality, service and uniqueness ….and always wait for the next one.
    Some people ask for discounts just coz u r abesha…so what? it doesn’t make a difference as long as you don’t give them the discount…yAle neger neww! You just have to know how to decline politely (I thought these things come with owning a business……and I disagree, it’s not just an abesha thing…..we have non abesha customers who always ask for discounts on this and that….)
    In my humble opinion, this ‘no sugar coating’, ‘we have confidence’ minamin negerAchihu harm ur business more than do anything to benefit it. .Actually, there’s some benefit to having abesha customers…if most of your customers were Americans, I bet most wouldn’t come back after reading this.
    So, my point: we understand your point, but in my opinion, wasn’t professional…..very unlike business owners. If you care to use it, this is what a successful online business have it instilled in employees’:
    Treat the lost customer well enough, and they’ll start to imagine how good you’d treat them if you really had their business. The company that keeps up the communication longest will eventually get the business. Practice poised consistent persistence.

  45. 45 cece

    Eyeru, don’t Hate for the sake of Hating. U and ppl like you are reasons why we don’t have a lot of creative artists in our community……….

  46. 46 meron

    I think some of you misunderstand. Although we have chosen to bluntly put forth this point, please know that we are extremely pleasant when dealing with the specific person making these requests. Of course we are. Its not like we go off on every person that asks to do these favors. Of course we politely decline and explain we cant accommodate their requests. But wanted to share our experience in hopes that it will shed some light on those customers so they see the error of their ways…

  47. 47 Eyeru


    Why exactly should I hate? Come on now Abeshas time to wake up and to improve your skills. Get creative ideas to impress people. If business skills is not in your bones then I understand the huge anger coming from you. Anger towards your customers is not going to solve your issues.
    I am so glad not to be a customer. I knew all this disrespect would come as I saw how you desrespected so many major international brands. I feel sorry for your customers who are abused by Bernos cherk fitoch. Peace

  48. 48 abyssinia

    Nolawi, I understand where you’re coming from. As an Ethiopian/Abesha, I see this trend in every aspect of our life. It could be in a store, parking or a government office we expect a courtesy treatment/discount from Yehager Lig.

    I am not saying that I have never parked or got my coffee for free. I sometimes get these offers and I take them. But I always give my sincere appreciation to Yehagere Sew for doing this. I have done the same 10, 15 years ago when I was working in a restaurant and a department store. Honestly it makes me proud to see that we do these sorts of things whenever we can to show that we care for our ppl.

    On the other hand, as a business owner you may not satisfy all your customers. Let’s be honest, especially abesha senibal – we are known to be hard to please customers. However, for business like Bernos that mainly targets/presents it’s marketing and products to the Abesha community shouldn’t bluntly say,

    We make products we like; therefore we hope when you buy bernos we assume you want bernos.


    Do you think we are selling dinich at the sefer gullit?

    etc. You must know that these statements can hurt your business.

    A word-of-mouth can be a buzz for marketing and at the same token can be a weapon for destruction. Therefore, drop “You are either with us or against us” attitude and try to send your message differently.

    How about a T-shirt called, “We say No To Favors, But they Don’t Listen”.

    They say “Art is an action, an object, or a collection of actions and objects created with the intention of transmitting emotions and/or ideas”.

    BTW, I am still waiting for my M&M tee but I have no doubt about the quality of your products as I heard it from ye bernos beteseboch. Keep up the good work.

    My two cents…

  49. 49 YekeyDama

    Meronisha while we can agree to disagree… I will stand by what I said; I don’t think that article served the purpose that you guys may have in mind because it simply was put in poor taste… that is my take on it no matter how I tried to swallow it. Please understand that in no way or shape am I trying to say ene awkalehu, ene awkalehu but I a person with opinion and I strongly believe there was a better way of asserting your dilemma and frustration in a way that reflects professionalism on Bernos part. See you can not expecting people to respect your philosophy and the valid points you guys raised when you are talking down to them (which is exactly how the article appeared)…it carried an undertone that could be interpreted (which in a sense is what we are seeing) as ambagenenenet, or alasfelagi gura minamin. There is no ground for that in business because as somebody mentioned here ‘keftfitu fitu’… I mean if we want to keep it real…you guys sell t-shirts and these t-shirts evoke our sentiments & memories of the mother land and we like the way you guys present it even if some of the art works are not particularly original per se; i.e some of images or whatever is not something ‘befit tayto yaltaweke’. So when you guys come out with the undertone as such in this article people could be say ‘hey homey what do you think you are selling, a time-traveling machine’? You know what I mean? You will elicit something completely unnecessary because like I said it just comes across as offensive hence can be off putting.
    As you know most of people that blog here are already fans and some even disciples of Bernos so I just didn’t see the purpose of slapping this in the faces of those who just appreciate what you do and look forward for more. In addition, the feed backs and suggestions can be handled well in a manner that reflects that your customer & their inputs are valuable to the growth you guys claim you are working towards. I am afraid the article didn’t particularly inspire or assert such sentiment.
    Listen, I am all for reform and bettering our culture of any kind that needs revision and change…I have made that abundantly clear and this is among the things we need to be critical about so I do hear most of your frustrations and points discussed… having said that change of any kind is not achieved by way of intimidation, chastise-ing or being condescending to those who are willing to partake in the wedefit ermija. It is ironic you said …

    lets be adults and make our points responsibly. If you actually have a valid point then there is no need for calling names and implying inferiority

    I dare say some of that was in the original article which is why people such as my self felt like it was bad business move. That is why I said and hoped perhaps the second elaboration Nolawi put can malezeb any sense that felt insulted by the original article.
    In any case I sincerely wish you all the best and I hope this experience will serve as a learning curb that contributes to the success and growth of your future endeavors.

    Ato Nolawi despite my qualms with your antics :) I do hope you at least understand that I am in support of you.

    p.s. Meron I implied you might be on Vac because I thought
    you had the better sense/skill to address these issues in better way than my tug tug bra :) It is good that
    you guys show solidarity (UNITED WE STAND) :) but be willing to also acknowldge failure if it benefits the system as a whole.

  50. 50 YekeyDama

    [quote comment="67254"]…Therefore, drop “You are either with us or against us” attitude and try to send your message differently…[/quote]
    Classic! :) I laughed when I read that because I did think that… Kaldane yemut :) In fact,I was actually going to say that but I was afraid my brother here would interpret it as a personal attack, hence thought better of it. It did to a degree came across as that… it is one thing to demand we respect the business philosophy but entirely different to assert that those who dare suggest alternate ways are ‘disrespecting’ Bernos.

    How about a T-shirt called, “We say No To Favors, But they Don’t Listen”.

    Again classic! :) an suggestion worth considering :)

  51. 51 Alpha

    Wow…..what an article…..a stupid one at that!!
    I agree with Wudisha 100%.

    Nolawi, the world does not revolve around you. You got into the business willingly, be it for the money or art; so you should accept whatever else that comes with it. This whole “take it or leave it” attitude was good while it lasted, but keep in mind everything has its own limits. You are running a business, so any dissatisfaction you have keep it with your business partners. You disrespecting clients might turn off current clients.

    Your Tee’s are great, but come on it is not that serious!!! Screaming at folks aint going to help you.

    I have never met any MAN in my life that complains about EVERY DAMN thing in the world like you do.

  52. 52 Alpha

    and what the heck is “gullit mentality” esti please explain???

    demo, please don’t make the mistake of thinking that the same trick you use to get your girls work for business.

    just my two important cents

  53. 53 Ethio Jazz

    Nolawi I completely disagree with the article and its intention–my take is very similar to those of Wudenesh Yekey Dama, Ted etc with one addition– its the “Gullit Mentality” that runs and administer families in Ethiopia. The title itself is very demeaning. So, never underestimate the power of the Gullit–it can turn you from rags to riches.

  54. 54 nyalasmoke

    It is all hazy now but I vaguely remember being at a club somewhere, slapping some cash into Nolawi’s hand for the Merkato t-shirt. Even though I didn’t ask for delivery, I must say thanx to Nolawi for the door to door service, not once but twice. So I guess that makes me guilty of gulit mentality. Oh well… But I don’t like shopping for shit, let alone shop online. That is a job for the women in my life. :) BTW FYI that is why I have an eclectic style ;) Thanks mom. Anyways, the reason I bought Bernos t-shirts is simply to support your effort, and definitely not because I am short of t-shirts (I still have my New Kids on the Block t-shirt my aunty got me when I was in high school), nor do I need to upgrade my style. For that matter I am not even into appreciating the art either. In general i personally don’t give a shit about artists and their art until they do shit that I feel is useful and functional. But as a Bernos user, and as a gulit head who likes the site and the ppl in here, I would like to support in a way that my gulit head allows me to support. So I suggest u just take the money and shurrup. However way the money comes be thankful that ppl actually appreciate your t-shirt or the other services you provide on the website. This article just does nothing but belittle genuine goodwill towards you. If I were u I would show a bit more tact(as so many suggested) no matter how misguided they appear to you. But then again, I admire your audacity to alienate a portion of your buyers just to streamline your bidness. Either ways I wish u good luck. I guess next time I will have to get a pay pal account.

    But I would like to point out that gulits are environmentally friendly, they are by the community and for the community. They enable communal relationships that are a lot more complex and humane than the faceless robotic multinational corporate mentality. So gulits ain’t all that bad considering where this planet is heading.


  55. 55 nyalasmoke

    [quote comment="67261"]Nolawi I completely disagree with the article and its intention–my take is very similar to those of Wudenesh Yekey Dama, Ted etc with one addition– its the “Gullit Mentality” that runs and administer families in Ethiopia. The title itself is very demeaning. So, never underestimate the power of the Gullit–it can turn you from rags to riches.[/quote]
    yeah that is what I am saying… dont diss the gulit. If u diss the gulit then u are mogN yeBole lij.

  56. 56 Alpha

    My thoughts EXACTLY smokes.

    It’s like calling someone “listro” in hopes of dissing them, while in reality you are just praising them by calling them hard workers.

    that is why i asked for clarification of the term “gullit mentality”

  57. 57 bgFelasfit

    :) hehe this is actually truly comical…

    wud ato ina weyzerit/weyzero bernos, i have said it before, and i say it once more:
    the only thing that helps you is to channel feedback as constructive feedbackmake it help you in future decision-making

    an observation: almost all the criticism in this post is met with a defensive rebuffal of some sort by one of bernos’s own. and i believe that response from bernos is not unique to this post

    [don't bite! i'm only sharing my constructive criticism here]

    And anyhow, labeling ppl as “haters” or “people with gulit mentality” is just completely comical :)

    and just cos i’m feeling silly, here’s my visual: nolawi going to sholla gulit bezih CHiQama Kiremt, boTiwin gedgido, TSegurun leQo, Caportina lebso…approaches yeQocho neGadewan, busily chopping away @ her Qocho…Nolawi: “jeles! indemilish gin… yene Ymaytay yemaydasesew nigd kanchi yeChiqa meDeb niGd teSHilo tegegne eko! Bey beqa… neGe shay-bunna iliSHina abren MiKaEl siLetishin inaGebalen …!” :P

  58. 58 bgFelasfit

    mr. smokes for president!
    power to the guilit!

    cosign on the ‘only makes u sound like a bole lij comment’…

  59. 59 Nolawi

    Both meron and dawit worked on this article, yes the way I write is straight forward, but i wanted to make the point once and for all.

    And as you know there are Ethiopians who expect a lot more from Ethiopians as opposed to the general… with that said I do see where you guys are coming from…

    It would be nice to try to look at things from our perspective though..

    I did not insult our customer nor the non-customers… just mentioned a few things that have been bothering us

    the same thing some of you are saying is diplomacy is sugarcoating a known problem.

  60. 60 dawitm

    hey ppl cool it down. can we all just get along :) ?

  61. 61 meron

    ok this has been very informative. obviously we felt very strongly about his issue therefore we wanted to share our expereince. i see almost all of you agree we or point. you only disagree with the manner in which it was expressed…

    i appreciate everyones feedback, whether positive or negative or both in most instances…i cant express the value of your opinions and how it will help us improve. thanks from all of us!!!

  62. 62 emebet

    a majority of us are guilty of receiving/giving “discounts” or not paying all together when a fellow abesha is behind the counter. most of the time it is because we ourselves do not own the business. the point i am trying to make here is that as employees we have taught abesha consumers to expect freebies. and as consumers we expect freebies from abesha employees of non-abesha establishments. what ethio business owner would give out a cup of coffee to every abesha that came into their cafe?? ere kisara.
    i understand your(bernos) frustrations. and i empathize with you and wish you the best of luck because we created this mentality ourselves. we are all guilty.

  63. 63 meron

    thank you emebet maybe thats a point of view we are neglecting to see

  64. 64 meron

    But I would like to point out that gulits are environmentally friendly, they are by the community and for the community. They enable communal relationships that are a lot more complex and humane than the faceless robotic multinational corporate mentality. So gulits ain’t all that bad considering where this planet is heading.


  65. 65 Mariamawit

    Hello All
    It amazes me how some of you guys have responded, you guys are bernos blog readers and you come here and get your freebies and for the first time this bernos owner say one thing negative you are ready to turn your back on them.

    and call it an insult. You criticize this and criticize that and once you were critcized you become defensive and are ready to tell them f u

    bernos brings great products that are original to the ethiopian market and no one can honestly disagree

    bernos has great marketing, and no one can deny that

    bernos crew are good business persons that is why its gotten this far.

    but to say you have to take all the shit from ethiopians who always discourage and hate and criticize and blah blah is wrong and I for one support the fact they have expressed their frustrations to us customers and possible customers….

    Let me know if you guys are ready to shut down bernos… because noone else but nolawi meron, beshou and dawit can bring this much originality and professional business

  66. 66 DM

    Mariamawit :)

    by the way, this is dawitm not DawitK hahaaaaa :)


  67. 67 DawitK

    Good Point emebet

  68. 68 bgFelasfit

    [quote comment="67278"]thank you emebet maybe thats a point of view we are neglecting to see[/quote]

    respect for what u said right there meron!
    hopefully its not… “leAf bicha”

  69. 69 celebratelife

    [quote comment="67271"]hey ppl cool it down. can we all just get along :)


    AMEN! and to add to that… that you got us addicted to your tees hope the new designs will come out soon.

    [quote comment="67276"]a majority of us are guilty of receiving/giving “discounts” or not paying all together when a fellow abesha is behind the counter. most of the time it is because we ourselves do not own the business. the point i am trying to make here is that as employees we have taught abesha consumers to expect freebies. and as consumers we expect freebies from abesha employees of non-abesha establishments. what ethio business owner would give out a cup of coffee to every abesha that came into their cafe?? ere kisara.
    i understand your(bernos) frustrations. and i empathize with you and wish you the best of luck because we created this mentality ourselves. we are all guilty.[/quote]

    WOW what a lady….well said! Guilty as charged!

  70. 70 curious

    [quote comment="67280"]Hello All
    It amazes me how some of you guys have responded, you guys are bernos blog readers and you come here and get your freebies and for the first time this bernos owner say one thing negative you are ready to turn your back on them.

    and call it an insult. You criticize this and criticize that and once you were critcized you become defensive and are ready to tell them f u

    Mariamawit… I love Bernos and their t-shirts.. I rock my T with pride but if I disagree with them.. I should state it freely and let them know.. Having a constructive dialogue is not about betraying Bernos owners.. I don’t subscribe to Bush mentality.. “you’re either with us or against us” nor do I feel guilty for disagreeing with the post.

  71. 71 bgFelasfit

    & i really mean this…
    i’m not sugarcoating and will not add a “But” at the end bcos BUT= “forget whatever i said before” …(+i’ve always been forthcoming my opinions concerning improvements enough to have eared the title of dereq :) )

    bernos has amazing marketing! from google word search engine advertising to integrated, linked up blog articles that lead you from one to another, to wikilinks that show up in google searches :P , to fantastic integration of graphics into the blog work… The web design aspect in itself is simple, robust and simply fabulous!

    the blog marketing model in itself is amazingly innovative for the ethiopian blogsphere… pure courage for ato/weyzerit bernos to run with the idea! bravo! Plus the execution of the model is one to emulate! there’s also the quality of the articles on the blog, the way the bernos team interacts with speed, personality and efficiency (i think the cockiness, personal stories, controversy etc make a dynamite combination.) u guys are leaders in your own right. yimechachu! :)
    imo the best products thus far, both classics, are the millennium tee, & i dream in amarigna. Keep up the ‘can do attitude!’ and blend it up with some more creativity… u keep moving forward. ;)

  72. 72 YekeyDama

    …Let me know if you guys are ready to shut down bernos

    Ere babajalew! lol min ametaw yehin?
    I am certain if they can dish it they can take it as well… am sure they have to a degree anticipated the rxn they’ve met here and are prepared for the whiplash effect and with that comes the acceptance of the consequences so let us not go on a tangent and say letazegu newe woy, endet tedergo minamin.
    It was obviously written with a notion (however misguided)
    of being ‘straight shooter’ or whatever. It’s all about humility and hopefully they are willing to show that and Meron & Nolawi have paved the way for that. Let that be enough and let their future customer service stand as a testament of such humility.

    all in all, I co-sign with curious. Nuf said on this matter…i gots to go and make me a 300 spot… coming dear……..:)

  73. 73 celebratelife

    Is this the fastest posted blog? Wow I think it’s like 50 in one hour.

    YD I’m with you nuf said and leave my 300 spot alone I’m heading there right now :P

  74. 74 kiki

    Bernos does have great products and I have been more than satisfied with the service I received when I ordered my tees. I do love and support the great work you guys are doing. I just wanted to express my honest opinion about how the article came off. I didn’t feel like it reflected positivly on the great service and products Bernos provides.

  75. 75 bela

    i can underestand ur frustartion and not been appreciated the hard work u put on to give the best serve that u possible can.but, i don’t think ur message serve u any good either. like kiki said, u could have been deplomatic

  76. 76 Balbo

    It seems like we have gone from constructive conversation to (Gulit wore)……. We could see from various Bernos members the kind of PR move that was needed… was the tone and word of choice that sparked the dialogue not the imbedded message, which most of us would agree that Habesah ppl typical expect more when we encounter another Habesha on the counter.

    By the way DawitK ” it would take you about 6hr to get to where I am, flying “you assume I will waste 3hrs of my day driving”

    But u did not answer my question on how exclusiveness of online distribution is good for your business given your target market Habesha?

  77. 77 dawitk

    Balbo -
    One of our business philosophy and the importance for any website is to bring your product or service to the right people and to reach your target audience. Bernos target audience being Abesha, are usually scattered all over the world and not only located in the DC metro area…Believe it or not 90% of our customers are located outside of the DC metro area which is why we think there are a number of different distribution channels available on the internet which is more beneficial then having our product at a store.

    I’m not saying that we will never have our product available at a store but it’s just not something we are interested in pursuing at this time since the return is much greater if we continue to focus on the internet. We all have witnessed the growth of the internet over the recent years…which is why we can have this dialogue in the first place. We all know the traditional online distribution channels such as newsletters, online press releases and so forth…but there are many other channels that allows you to reach to so many more abesha on the internet V.S. trying to advertise on a magazine, flyers, and other non internet media.

    The biggest one is Social networks (Myspace, Facebooks, Hi5) The trend is social interaction and there are millions of abesha on this social network…and we understand the potential and the impact social network has on the internet users, so for us this is a good source in reaching to more abesha and increase awareness of our website to people who already are familiar and comfortable with the usage of the internet.

    Another one that’s getting bigger is Social media (YouTube, Flickr…) So using media like YouTube to promote your business could also bring more traffics to your website.

    Allows us to provide up-to-date information and allows our readers to engage in discussions as this one…even if we don’t see eye-to-eye with one another:-)

    Being an online business have opened the door in many ways that no other channels would have…I can proudly say that we have customers/blogers/BP from all over the world something that wouldn’t bee the case if we sold our product from a DC based store.

    I hope this answers your questions Balbo….

  78. 78 bela'e injera

    Sometimes I wonder whether Bernos is selling ideas/products or arguments. I can’t speak for everyone, I for one, I’m here for the idea your products represent and the people. The idea is a work in process still at its infant stage, requires a lot of TLC. Your idea is struggling to find its niche. Every single person you have reached one way or another, regardless whether they bought a t-shirt or not, or under what circumstance you transacted, is your real and potential costumer as well as your marketing billboard. Its fine and dandy to stick to your guns and principles, and make known the conditions under which you will conduct business. But, if you even for once break your principle, it aint my fault, neither should you blame any customer real or not. Blame yourself and review your business strategy. Either keep your current ways or change it.
    I believe you have a good business model based on a good idea. However, one key ingredient to your success will be persistent consistency. Consistent application of your principle in addition to many things.
    The subject matter of your article–unprofessional business conduct within the abesha community–is a welcome debate. Sadly you linked it to Bernos business conduct, and in the process ended up talking down to people and DISRESPECTING injera bet and all the grassroot habesha entrepreneurs. I personally have no qualms with any habesha business owner… who am I? what have I done? if I think I can do it better, why don’t I? I have seen the evolution of habesha business in the States and I think we have come a long way. They are still in business because they fulfill a need. Are you fulfilling a need? how strong is your idea? Or how weak is your idea? You can measure that. Your growth and the attacks coming from even people who don’t like you is a measure of the strength of your idea. Seriously, love they enemy, because regardless of their motive, they are telling you the truth. Yes men/women will destroy you.

  79. 79 Meskot

    I forone agree with Nolawi, I am in the business of serving Ethiopians, I am a wedding photographer and my Ethiopian customers want to get extra freebies as opposed to the american ones.

    I work with a cell phone and from home, and my clients call me at 11:00 pm just to see how the editing is going? i would only answer the phone at reasonable hours.

    They would say i tried to call you last nite. Excuse you I have a life of my own, just because i am abesha doesn’t mean i am available 24 hours a day.

    They always always want an extra discount, because they know my moms friends sons wife from church.

    an I give them the discount on top of the regular discount, and they treat me unprofessionally.

    Come on I love my people and working with and for them but some of them could unreasonable.

    I am really glab somebody is saying something finally about how unsupportive and compromising you the Ethiopian customers can be.

    We finally have something good in bernos, and if you can’t see the many great things they are doing and only see a few things wrong with them then I agree bernos doesn’t need to compromise their integrity in the name of customer accommodation.

    Get with the program

  80. 80 bela'e injera

    Meskot!? what program? how about you get with the program. Whats wrong with negotiating price? I say negotiate. How is that lack of support? You have rules on how you do business, so stick to it. Dont compromise. And dont accept calls beyond working hours. And tell your customers your working hours. I DONT WORK AFTER 5! how hard is that SO inconvienent to you? Who is suppose to conform to whom? the business owner to the customer or the customer to the business owner. There is a need and you have skills to meet that need. You set the parameters by which you do business and if that is not profitable you change.

  81. 81 hidaya

    Hello Bernos crew,

    I had a good service at Bernos and would like to thank you all for a prompt service. I for the most part agree with the Nolawi’s article’s content.

    I also agree that good customer service is vital to a business, but that is a different to being held to ransom by the whims and demands of your customers and where it might clash with the business ethos that a company has I think that company is entitled to uphold how they want to conduct their business….

  82. 82 Peaceethio

    wow…business is hard!!….Nolawi…it seems u have the education and the talent…honestly why do not u try to work with other group of ppl that are not ethio. ppl.

  83. 83 Nolawi

    Because I am Ethiopian, and I love everything & anything to do with Ethiopia

    Working with and for your our people is one of the most fulfilling thing….

    be it as an ethiopian as an african or as a black person, the closer you are to your own the better… IMHO, socially professionally etc

  84. 84 Peaceethio

    Oh i forgot to say this…i do not think it is about being abesha to want some bargain…quick example

    i am on the process of remodeling my house- change carpet to laminated floor, bath and kitchen to tile, paint the whole house…bla bla.. and guess what….i went to an abesha guy and he wanted me to work around his schedule and he said he will give me a good discount…..I said NO! i do not want his discount i want the job gets done…he would not understand it so…i went to another contractor and made my bargain…Well to the point he told me i would make a good car sells women (i will keep my career for now) but the point is it does not matter who i deal with at the end of the day i want to save money… guess what the abesha guy won’t have my referal for sure….

    one more to add… i have went to those big furniture stores and wanted to buy a bed that was marked for 1200 and asked for a discount he said 924 and i said 900 after few conversation. he let me have it and through a big pillow with it…

    just want to share my experience…and again i do not rip any one off…i know my limits and guess what they know when to let me have it, after all it is business…nothing personal!

    again if the t-shirt is expensive for me stay at home!

  85. 85 dawitm


    ok people, i am not going to write an essay on this (i know some of you like to write for ever… :) )… but i think we all have learnt something from this exchange, becuase great ideas were presented from both sides of the issue.

    i am glad nolawi and the bernos team brought this issue in the open. i am all for open discussion and saying what you feel. and they did, so all power to them. now let’s all have a nice weekend okay :) :)

    love y’all

  86. 86 meron

    thanks dawitm–after everything is said and done…thats what we want to accomplish…

  87. 87 MindWithoutConscious

    ::Abrasiveness/Directness OR CONTEMPT::

    As for me, the writer exhibits the latter!

    But, for me, the most interesting part about this article is not about the writer’s attitude and arrogance, But, it is Bernos’s most acquintance/intimate customers/friends’ REACTION that caught my attention (EthioJazz, Kiki, Wudnesh, etc..). I admire them for being individuals and not being conformists because of cyber camaradarie!

    I align with Alpha, bela’einjera, nyalasmoke, YekeyDama, bgFelasit, Wudnesh and the others..with similar thought-process.

    Even, by all accounts, if the writer feels, believes, that he is sassy, knowledgable, skillful, street-wiz, As a business owner (relying on customers money to grow), he should have done his homework whether:

    ::> he, as an owner, should have been a CONTRIBUTOR to his BLOG at all. Being an owner and a contributor at the same time, may bring COI (Conflict-of-Interest). That should have been obvious, and other venue could have been explored, if I had been him.

    One can NOT be diplomatic all the time if one wants to conduct business and express oneself with no limitation that can be very controversial at the same time. Some thoughts, intentionally or unintentionally, could tarnish something very dear to others and arouse a very emotional reaction, as in this.

    I don’t buy the “i am an artist” JUSTIFICATION. Not just artists, everyone expresses oneself in his/her own way. But, there are things that must be weighed carefully when expressing if the goal is to reach at something. Otherwise, yea we can be cyber warriors for awhile and disappear. If that is the Goal, then, we are hitting our target in fact already hit it.

    :: Gullit the backbone of our society ::

    Even, the one with resources depend on Gullit let alone the ordinary, for their consumption. Let us not forget, our Merkato is BIG Gullit.

    Gullit means so much to others who hold its significance with honor & respect. So, when one tarnishes with contempt what you value, and see dignity in it, then, by all means, it is obvious what the end-result is.

    I had seen so many Ethiopians carrying Injera to Gullit to live-by. Even today, the same story, selling tomatoes to profit 10 cents. So many lives depends on it.

    It is in fact in these places that we see the real reflection of who we are as a people: the camaradarie, the mutual trust (I’ll pay next month I don’t have money to buy my kids breads, pencils, etc…), the helpfulness that goes on these Gullits that goes beyond our West’s educational wisdom that is provoking us from within to trivilize what we depended on yesterday. We truly are back-stabbers.

    :: The trio BERNOS :: My2cents to you:

    ::You also share ownership of this business. So, You share ACCOUNTABILTY of what he writes. Instead of DEFENDING him or being defensive or coming to his rescue, HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE.

    Bussinesses Outline, procedurize, guidelinze their business conduct and relentlessly train their employees before even reaching out their customers. Soliciting feedback such as Wudnesh’s online business exposure is much more useful instead of the “I-know-it” he exhibited.


    In fact, let me share, a bit of Nolawi’s arrogance. privately, he told me that “most bloggers don’t read Amharic” when I emailed him a scanned Amharic Poem in a portable document format to share with bloggers. i had no idea, he hates me to his gut. :-) now I do.
    scanned docs be it using CutePDF, PDF, TIF, …etc.. can be uploaded the same way as all these pics are uploaded.

    Now, like many of you, I went thru the Wests college and I happen to be an IT Professional in both LAN/WAN environment and before that with both a background of EE & Systems, Software QA testing Lockheed’s Spacecrafts.

    So, It would have been nicer if Nolawi be direct and sincere with his customers about his usage of procedures, guidelines instead of treating himself as a smart ass and us (me) a fool.

    He claimed he is direct and but he didn’t implement that directness on mine for sure. So, I say come up with rules and stick to them instead of insulting mine & bloggers’ intellegence?

    How can one say most bloggers don’t read amharic interesting.

    unless somone really hates his/her language, as far as, i know we start reading Amharic after we get passed the Ha, Hu, he….

    Anyhow, It was a privilege to BLOG here!

    anyone who wants to debate me, keep friendship, and exchange ideas can drop me a Hello :-) @

    ~With Regards.

  88. 88 MindWithoutConscious

    [quote comment="67423"]nolawi,

    …………..ok people, i am not going to write an essay on this (i know some of you like to write for ever… :) )… but i think we all have learnt something from

    love y’all[/quote]


    With all due respect, Let us write forever, endless those who wish to do so. That is our individiuality. Let us exercise it, as you do yours with a short one. don’t you think? :-)

    If you put your thoughts in few words and are able to cover everything then that is good. I have never explained people writing too short. I just move on. I think I expect the same from others. If they don’t want to read long ones. Just move on.

    ~Good weekend.

  89. 89 Guest

    He was referring to the level of support Ethiopians provide for art and artists. It made me think, and he is right no Ethiopian is required to pay for music just because it’s Ethiopian music; same applies to any form of art

    some artist gives songs for promotion, charity etc… like this NEW Ethiopian Millennium song I found on myspace, I think the song is pretty good.

    what do you guys think?


    check it out!

  90. 90 celebratelife

    MWC, in all honesty was that really necessary? For a fact there are some of us who don’t read Amharic very well and this is not just me but many of my friends on the blog as well. I’m sure we’re not the only ones either. This is not something we’re proud of but it’s a fact so you couldn’t have addressed this issue earlier? Really you couldn’t have? Or is this the case of let me jump on the bandwagon along with everyone else and vent. Didn’t you say…

    I admire them for being individuals and not being conformists because of cyber camaraderie!

    So what was your comment then on #87 other than camaraderie? Mts and I thought you were much better then this. When we, some of us bloggers, rooted for you to post an article, several blogs back why couldn’t you have mentioned this then since you were gonna mention it anyway. If this happened after that then you could’ve still told all us bloggers about it before this day. Don’t tell me this is not camaraderie either or it’s more like bs.

  91. 91 DawitK

    All I’m going to say is that many of us don’t read Ahmaric…including moi so I’m not sure what your point is!

  92. 92 Chala

    LOL, no comment.

  93. 93 Nolawi

    Wow there are many reasons why we don’t post an amharic articles, one of the reasons is that most of the blogger do not read amharic.

    Ingdeh who know the bernos demography more than us who study it, day in and day out.

    Meron beshou dawit, can not read amharic, and we have non-Ethiopians readers, many, yes the people. We know because we know our customers. 28% of all bernos customers are not Abesha so far. and in the future we still want to develop that.

    Second our business model that we use the article as SEO, search engine optimization in order to create more traffic. Thus if we were ever to post an image that is not typed in unicode and in amharic there is not much use.

    We average over 30 emails a day, we can’t mababel when we give out explanations. Especially not customer related stuff. like package tracking and sizing issues etc.


    we didn’t knock the gullit, it was an analogy… I the writer tend to use analogies that seem harsh to make certain points. This is not the first time bernos articles created controversy and it won’t be the last time.

    The customer always right, I can live with that but if they are not a customer, a non-customer.. that doesn’t automatically qualify them as a potential customer.

    Personally I don’t want the Bernos Crew spending more time marketing to a potential customer whose is apt to create a longer sales cycle, as opposed to reaching more people that are more internet savvy.That is part of a marketing and sales philosophy that has been more successful for us and we will try to sustain it as well as grow it.

    With that said I am not perfect, I am not always right, I in order to provide you guys the bernos readers and customers with more content strain myself and my personal life and thus sometimes can’t spend too much time editing and reediting an article. And sugar coating a point I want to make.

    It is important that we are consistently sustaining with the blog because it is really huge and our community needs it to share ideas and learn from each other etc. Because we really do talk about things that are not discussed elsewhere. IMHO

    It won’t always be perfect and not everyone is going to agree with everything. And we are going to have people that are apt to hate, like GUDU who has been coming in different nicks and spreading anti Bernos sentiments for a while now.

  94. 94 YekeyDama

    MindWithOutConcious??? hmmm
    May I just say wow? lol Zat waz what shall I say… a bit personal? You know you are my wushma right? :) So hear me out with out you thinking I am showing camaraderie minamin, cuz am only loyal to my thoughts and I am just keeping it real with you and I feel you will let me since you and I are like dat ;)
    I dare say I find you rather…what’s the word… emotional, not in any emasculating way or insulting way but more so to say that you get affected by comments and you appear to take things personally. I mean I never understood the cliché “attack the idea, not the person”…shiat who the hell thought the ‘idea’? the bloody person, so how can you separate these two and attack one with out scratching the other? so in that sense there were couple of times I empathized and tried to understand your reactions and expressions of feeling personally attacked (for example ur rxn twrds some of the remarks of long replies minamin). But really did you feel his refusal to put your poem was hate towards you? I am referring to this quote:

    …i had no idea, he hates me to his gut. now I do.

    Come on now wushimeye, that is kind of heavy don’t you think? of course I am not in the know of what transpired so if I step on a mine filed of which I have not the slightest idea, then please forgive my kelebleb milas :) other than that I felt you could have made the point we all tried to make with out inserting that sentiment. You have similar rxns many of us had towards the article but you kind of put a damper on your assertions when you zoomed and personalized it with what transpired behind private doors. I felt that could be seen as a biased view or even a grudge.
    At last, far be it from me to tell you how to take up your issues with the person, all I wanted to point out is yene konjo don’t get affected so much…I saw you leaving us your email minamin and it felt as though you were bidding ‘good bye’, I was like ‘Ewa Mintay honki Mare’ :)
    I feel I have seen a pattern in you enough to come to you with this…after all wushimaye neh lebe alchel ale :)

  95. 95 YekeyDama

    …we can’t mababel when we give out explanations.

    Dig, Dig, Dig…
    Ere gobez, sumbody, whip the hoarse with his own dreadlock lol

  96. 96 Getu


  97. 97 Getu

    we didn’t knock the gullit, it was an analogy… I the writer tend to use analogies that seem harsh to make certain points

    Instead of all these unapologies, as if you were training for a spot in an elected office, why dont you just come out and admit that you were too pig-headed when you belittled the thousands, if not millions, of shoppers, regular people, that go to gulits daily for their needs?
    I would never buy anything from someone who has so much disdain for gulit shoppers, specially when their product is only designed to make me feel like a yuppy. As evidenced by its main marketeer, Nolawi. Of course, this is not to mention the general disdain towards Ethios.
    But, I’ve never bought anything from you anyway, so y’all dont have nothing to worry.

  98. 98 tsedu

    I was going to comment on bgFelasfit’s comment I came back and its gone was it erased that is odd.

  99. 99 bgFelasfit

    I think this article uses a very crude wording of “Gulit” that did little to put the point across -coming off as tasteless & more successfully diverting attention away from the main point- which I think is that:

    …bernos’ entrepreneurs have chosen a niche market that has market etiquette which very poorly serves both customers and business owners (BOs): so much so that I think the viability of the niche market infrastructure shrinks and pales considerably in comparison to the vibrant and thriving age-old Guilt system.

    The Gulit system has very strong and established etiquette : there are specific times and days for the market: Wednesday-Saturday…or Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday, usually early morning…all depending on the area, or the traffic of supplies from the farms and providers… Furthermore, a person has demBegna/maMila that they regularly do business with. This is to an extent that customer & BOs progressively build close friendships, and sometimes even have their families build relationships etc… the guilt system also allows for the regular customer and family/friends of BOs to get discounts, personal delivery, specific special treatment etc …due to their loyalty and relationship with the BO. This customer-BO etiquette is consistent with the cultural, economic and social norms of ethio/eri society and economy allowing for customer-BO to mutually exist and thrive.

    On the other hand, there is the Ethio/Eritrean Niche market in the “west” where customers and entrepreneurs find it challenging to support each other and meet expectations stemming from social norms of discounts, special treatment, personal delivery etc…(Gulit market Etiquette): all mainly impossible due to the expectations of a different economy and society: TIME=money=power. The different time crunch makes the demands of our traditional society impossible to fulfill in the US and abroad…The guilt system has a different use of time than the multi-tasking culture of the west.

    as customers-buyers we, in the Ethio/Eritrean niche market have power to make a difference by what we buy and what we expect from the market. This would be by respecting the TIME of our community entrepreneurs and allowing for a more viable market etiquette to develop in the niche market. This would also be by supporting businesses that make it a point to RESPECT their customers i.e. not continuing to go to badly organized, untimely music concerts or buying music that we keep complaining about but those that put emphasis on the quality we want in our goods …etc…
    In any case, I say kudos to all the entrepreneurs pushing the envelop on this… as someone said “is bernos selling ideas or tshirts?” I honestly think bernos is more than a tshirt crunching business – It is a forum for dialogue that provides a social commentary, builds a thriving audience and community – it keeps pushing new frontiers for the ethio.eri community in this day and age of information technology (the successes of facebook/myspace etc…should give us a clue!) Especially in this world that is getting flatter and flatter as the days pass. and Africa is being left behind!!

    The Unflat World

    Friedman acknowledges there are some 3 billion people in places like rural India, rural China, and Africa who still live in an “unflat world”, unaffected by the technologies and socioeconomic changes outlined in the book, and addresses what is needed to extend the “flat world” beyond its current borders.

    I find the bernos model especially innovative and viable Because of its tie to business and its focus on progress.change (I’m still waiting on aperture :P ?) – so many novel attempts to crack into the ethio internet sphere have withered ( because the individuals were crunched under this world of time=money=power where they were volunteering all their time and energy without any returns. Our community is so used to getting free goodies that it needs a lesson in supporting quality when we see it.

    Phew! That was a longwinded speechhhh geezz louise! …ufaaa I need me some of that coldstone icecream yekey keys rapping on about!!

  100. 100 bgFelasfit

    :D 100! lalalala….
    one more thing…. bernos crew…i stand by what i said that yall need more diplomacy and openmindness in dealing with criticism!

  101. 101 meron

    well since we have reached the 100 comments mark i think we have covered pretty much all sides of this discussion. so here are some final thoughts…

    1) it was never the intent of bernos nor any of its partners to offended or degrade the gullit business or its cultural significance so there is no misunderstanding, bernos and all its partners (nolawi, meron, and dawit) apologize for the use and comparison of gullit.

    Yesterday I received a phone call from a wise person who after advising me about where we wrong with this article requested I post the following thoughts

    What the article discusses is not one sided. The problem is both with the customer and the supplier. Both parties expect to be treated specially because of their mutual background. Customers expect not to pay for their parking fee, or get a discount at a local store or expect the seller to go the extra mile. In turn the seller doesn’t follow rules and regulations followed by other American businesses. For example stores that sell Ethiopian goods like shiro have a value tagged to the plastic bag rather than showing how much each pound is and therefore justifying the price based on the amount of the good that is in the bag. Or one can easily see the service given at an Ethiopian restaurant to see another major issue. The service given to Ethiopian customers differs vastly from that of the one given to the non-Ethiopian customers. So the person in the position to give the discount is frustrated by the obligation he/she feels and the person who receives the bad service is frustrated because he/she is not getting their money’s worth. Also, things have changed over the years. When she first arrived in the states there weren’t that many Ethiopians. Then it was common to find Ethiopians being happy to see one another and willing to help each other out. But now there is almost a resentment that comes across when meeting one another. How sad…

    In the end she expressed her dismay over our use of gullit. She wished we had not used such an important way of living to so many Ethiopians in a negative context.

    2) dawit and i not only defended this article as partners of bernos but rather because we like most of you strongly agreed with the major points made in nolawi’s article…often we are asked for favors that simply should not be asked. our frustration, as so many of you put it, comes from us working so hard to provide a quality and innovative product for our community in a profession manner and in return not receiving the same professional courtesy!

    3) all of us here at bernos LOVE Ethiopia and all its culture and customs. We love our country and our people. It is this love that keeps us going everyday regardless of the profit we gain.

    4) oh and i, meron, read and write in amharic!!!!!!

    We sincerely appreciate all your feedbacks!! Someone mentioned in their comments it’s because people care so much that they’re voicing their opinions with passion, whether positive or negative… Therefore again we are very thankful for those of you who took your time to either encourage or correct us in this discussion.

  102. 102 MindWithoutConscious

    To all you BERNOS positive outlookers :-)

    :: Mama Gullit ::
    wisdom & beauty & fairness & Humanity

    :: With such A beauty
    :: Stretching your Humanity
    :: A meadow of Equality
    :: endowed withCreativity
    :: Guttye’ awon yegna beauty!
    :: the feel the touchable Proximity
    :: w/ all sorts of Commodity
    :: bundled with Frugality
    :: Go on with your honorable Duty
    :: you the owner of Epistemology
    :: Our core sense of Dignity
    :: May you live forever with Grace & Beauty!!

    :::: – - – - – - :::::

    :: mama Gullit the Serious
    :: your kids the industrious
    :: Dependeable & Courageous
    :: Full of tricks the dubious
    :: also mystic & humorous
    :: mama Gullit the Zealous
    :: Long live mama You Mysterious !!!
    ::::: in deed nesh eko mysterious ::::::


    weshemitu. :-) I see your corner of hit, wegenitu. But, i feel this way. Let us just close that chapter and my chapter at Bernos with the above poem.

    1thing: You know if my Grandma heard you from her grave, your funny -broken teeth tigrigna- ..awon tirsu welQeliq yale… but mukerash yeBeQagnal wushemeye.., then, she’d've approved you in a flash to be mine. even at your current status, she’d've asked you to move to Utah and implement the polygamous rule :-)

    ~All the BEST !!!

  103. 103 Ethio Jazz

    It is said that for every one positive experience only a few people will learn of that positive experience. But, for a negative one, an entire battalion will find out. I’m guilty of that. My previous comment(#53), stated my feelings for the specific article Nolawi wrote, and granted I stand with that comment–but I failed miserably to state my POSITIVE experience with Bernos LLC as a company and me as the customer. A few weeks ago, I ordered a few shirts from Bernos. I’m not sure where the mistake lay, but I never received the package and was told by the concierge at my apartment that the package was recieved at a differnt building and was sent back because it had the wrong address. As soon as I found out about this, I contacted Nolawi in which he put me intouch with DawitK. I was willing to wait until the package got there, but they Bernos wouldn’t have it. Dawit made sure to meet me on a Sunday to give me all the shirts. In my opinion Bernos’ handling of this was beyond the call of duty. I appreciate their deligence and hard work. So, I say thank you Nolawi, DawitK and Meron and my best wishes for continued success.

  104. 104 YekeyDama

    temeles belut ebakachu
    temeles belut ebakachu
    yanin mesay konjo yeAayachu
    temels belut ebakachu
    MWC meches min aregalehu…much respect. I think you have done the Gullit more proud than any of us put together. I just wish you didn’t feel exiting the stage is necessary. Sometimes staying the course and remaining on the battle field is fruitful cuz you might just one day shoot some sense into those who are otherwise closed :)
    Don’t you see humility is already in high gear, I dare say that is a sight worth revisiting. Till we see you again… smooches.

  105. 105 Misrak

    Most of you guys are basically begowoch.

    If one person says this is wrong then everyone agrees.

    Demo what is with wrong with people I am either with you or I am against you mentality

    All this time you have been saying bernos is a great platform and now you leave. Is that what you do when you disagree with someone you like.

    yes you don’t like one article why are you leaving bernos, because maybe noone is kissing your ass to stay, mostly nolawi is not kissing your as.

    Wonde neh nolawi, if you don’t want amharic article for whatever reason its your perogative.

    We should say thank you instead of belittle your work.

    I am with you even if I disagree with you.

    Keep it up!

  106. 106 Alazhar

    Dear Nolex,

    Nolex what a funny article you’ve wrote Bewnet. I somehow questioned myself “Is this the right ethic for doing serious business?” BIG NO to me!! But in anyways I respect your opinion about the business you own.But while I read this article I came across some points that are not based on facts like:

    “First Tees in Ethiopia are made in china not in Ethiopia.”

    This is far from reality and maybe you didn’t heard about this new company named garment express. Check it out at if it helps.

    “And then you want us to ship in bulk from the Ethiopia and you are the same person that claimed our tees are expensive.”

    Of course your tees going to be less expensive because it is less cheap to buy it from cheaper sources but with the same quality. By the way the company I’ve mentioned it above export most of its products to the states.

    “If you are not a customer that claims to like our products and support bernos; you are just another person with a Gullit mentality!”

    Oh! Again generalizations!!!!!

    “errrr…I wonder what purpose this article served other than showing your attitude of “kegezachihu gizzu, kAlgezachihu gedel gibbu”…………ayyyiiiiiii”

    I agree with you Wude. By the way Wudenesh I always read your comments on other articles, I like what you write. BIG fun of yours. Smart girl !

    “To the contrary, I’ve worked for an online business tracking down unsatisfied customers and potential customers who had negative outlook of our products, and convincing them to become/stay customers (and this is no exaggeration). And I know that’s one of the reasons the business was very successful.”

    Nolex listen to Wude’s advice!!

    And have nice day!

  107. 107 Alazhar

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    Yekeydama a great Ethio-business minded women. Beautiful descriptions and insights. I am sure you own a business if not you should think about it. I am proud beagere lijoch.
    MindWC… man why? You’re a nice guy. Is it necessary to depart? Come on.
    Anyways I don’t see the point of dissecting our bernos community. We shouldn’t overreact. Nolex is an excellent ethio-brother who successfully built a company together with his friends. We should be proud of ethio-entrepreneurs!!!
    I am at your side!!

    Peace to bernos community

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  110. 110 Nolawi

    [quote comment="70529"]It’s funny they used the same pic. on this article on their video.

    Check it put!


    please stop spamming, we saw the video thanks

    secondly one of the pictures is actually not from ethiopia
    its from kenya
    messai warriar picture is actually southern kenya close to tanzania, but I can see why people confuse them with one of the Surma warriors of the southern omo valley.

  111. 111 Engeda

    Eshi Naliye: Don’t be catching feeling on me now…

    By the way there is a history how the messai is connected to Ethiopia! Beside, ALL OF EAST & WEST AFRICA used to be called Abysinia! Remember?? So, my frined it’s not worong to connect the messai tirbe with omo valley. We all are one african and forget the boundries of While colonial mentality they planted in us.


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