Bob Marley be'MasinQo! Comments

Hey I don’t understand half the things he is saying but hey listen! I love azmari’s. When I finally go back to Ethiopia, I’m going to Azmari bet everyday.

6 Responses to “Bob Marley be'MasinQo!”

  1. 1 Ethio Jazz

    Nolawi-That’s Adane Teka–you don’t have to go to Addis to see him. Go and check him out at Abiti’s on 9th and U. Saw a couple of weeks ago–be ready for his tereb about your ponytail..ha ha ha.

  2. 2 rebecca

    nice nice, what days does he perform at abitits?

  3. 3 Ethio Jazz

    rebecca-I’m not sure of the days but I saw him on a Sunday night.

  4. 4 Nolawi

    hmm wow man, i dont mind being made fun off… isnt adane the guy who sings with his sister..

    i have heard of him…but didnt know this was him, I actually know one azmari who i once saw at a wedding. very good. but I dont know his name. he also lives an dc and performs in Dukem sometimes, I wonder if that is adane..? teyim short guy…??

  5. 5 tobian

    Hahaha. Very funny. Especially when he goes “weee, weee … “.

    The guys’ in DC? Hmm. So the guy actually understands what he’s singing, but chooses to mutilate the words? (before people jump at me, either way it matters very little to me. I’m just curious why) It’ll be interesting to see a complete reproduction of one of bob marley’s songs in massinko/krar minamin.

    The massinko seems to be having a resurrection in pop ethio music scene. If the massinko has been consistent around in the nan-trad music scene, it must have totally escaped me. Of contemporary artists, the first time I noticed an unexpected massinko solo was in Dawit Melesse’s “Keremela”. The song was very non-traditional, but for me the massinko made its best moments.

    The other day I was listening to “Menta Wedjie”, by Teddy Afro which again surprised me with its out of the blue massinko solo.

  6. 6 Ethio Jazz

    Nolawi-I think you’re right he used to sing with his sister called Malefia Teka–but I could be mistaken. I’m not sure but I think the one you saw at the wedding might be Setegn Atenaw.

    tobian: No, the guy is here lesera–he actually lives in Addis. He doesn’t know english–well he might have improved since coming here. He’s actually hilarious. If you’re ever in the area go and check him out. As for the Massinko making a ressurection-I’m extremely happy about that. Come to think of its both the Massinko and the Krar are being fused into zemenawi musica. Now, if I can only persude the powers that be to throw the synthesizer and drum machine out, I’ll be in heavenly bliss.

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